
Being System-Impacted at the UC: Ofelia Cuevas

Assistant Professor Ofelia Cuevas describes her experiences as a system-impacted undergraduate, grad student, and faculty member in the University of California system. These experiences inform her research on the carceral state.

Our Intention and Purpose: Danny Mendoza '19

"The BTS collective and allies became a major part of my success at UC Davis. I was viewed not just as another student, another number, or someone passing by, but as a human being. This was our intention and purpose. Palabra."

Becoming an Attorney: Briana Zweifler, JD

Attending law school at UC Davis was both empowering and eye-opening for Briana Zweifler. "The things that were hard were the way people talked about people who were incarcerated or justice-involved, and how many people believed that the system works well just as it is."